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Applying for Fall Housing

This page is for students who are currently at °ÄÃÅÌØÂí½ñÍí¿ª½±. New students for Fall 2024 can contact their Admissions Counselor regarding your Housing Application.

Experiencing issues with the housing portal?

On February 26th, students will be able to access the Housing Survey on the Portal. In this survey, students will be able to do the following:

  • Apply for housing for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 academic year.  
  • Request Summer Housing for Summer 2024. 

All students should complete this survey to avoid any issues leading up to the Fall 2024 semester. The priority due date for the survey is March 11th. The survey will close on March 25th. Students who complete the survey after the priority due date will have a later Housing Selection Timeslot.

Helpful Information

Housing Selection Time Slots

Your Housing Selection Timeslot will be available to view on the Portal in the Community Living subsection on March 14th.

Using information through Fall 2023, Housing Selection Timeslots are determined by a student’s °ÄÃÅÌØÂí½ñÍí¿ª½± earned credit hours, total credit hours (transfer, dual enrollment, etc.), and grade point average at °ÄÃÅÌØÂí½ñÍí¿ª½±. Groups looking to select a space together will use the earliest selection timeslot to select a room assignment.

Honors students and Hollingsworth Scholars will receive a priority factor to their overall score which will positively impact their Housing Selection Timeslot. All students who reached Passport level 5 by March 1st or who won the Spooky Bingo Housing Number prize will be awarded a boost to have an earlier Housing Selection Timeslot.

Roommate Selection

On March 18th, students will be able to log into the Portal and request their roommate(s) for Fall 2024. Students will have through May 1st to select or adjust their roommate(s). Once a room assignment is selected on the Portal. Students will not be able to change their roommate(s) or their housing assignment. Students will have to contact Community Living if they wish to adjust their roommate(s) or room assignment.

Housing Selection

Housing Selection will begin on March 25th and continue through May 1st. Students will select their room assignment for the Fall 2024 semester For more information regarding Housing Selection, please review our Step-By-Step guide found in the document section of the Community Living Engage page or the handout section of Community Living Portal page.

Greek Suites

Panhellenic and IFC organizations living within a Greek Suite can select the members of their organization to fill their allotted spaces. Organizations can refer to the Greek Village Operating Guide for more information about Housing Selection. The needed forms will be sent to the Chapter President and Housing Manager for each organization to review on February 26th. Forms must be completed and submitted back to Community Living by March 11th. Students selected to reside in the suites will be notified of their placement on March 15th. Students must accept or deny their room assignment by March 19th.

Medical Accommodations

Students with approved housing medical accommodations through Florida Southern’s Student Disability Services can submit the Housing Medical Accommodation Form on our Community Living Engage page. The form will be made available on March 25th on Engage, and students will have until April 1st to complete and submit the Engage form. Space in certain communities is based on availability. The release of their Housing Assignment on the Portal will be on April 4th. If you have questions regarding medical accommodation, please contact Student Disability Services at disabilityservices@flsouthern.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions

I still need to apply for housing. Can I do so?

Yes! Please log into the Portal and complete the Housing Survey. The survey will remain open until March 25th.

Can I change my responses to the Housing Survey?

Yes! You can make any changes to the Housing Survey by March 25th.

Why can I not see a person as a roommate?

The student you are requesting may not have completed the Housing Survey. Alternatively, they may have selected that they are not searchable. To correct this issue, the student will have to complete the survey or recomplete it and opt to be searchable as a roommate.

I am having issues with navigating the Portal. What can I do to resolve that?

Information Technology Services has recommended the following possible solutions:

  • Clearing your Cache/Browser history
    • Use this link to learn more about this process and see steps for your respective browser of choice:
  • Trying a different browser. For example, if you typically use Chrome, please try using Safari or Firefox.

Portal Updates

Questions? Contact.

Assistance is available Monday - Friday between 8 AM and 5 PM

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Rogers Building

